Storytime! 5 Experiences to Instill Confidence and Creativity!
Let the fun begin! We’re excited for you to experience the magic using our 5 easy tips to connect with your child and build learning skills!
Now that you have your tips, be ready with a great story!
Here’s our new favorite...Watch the Book Trailer!
Get your book now, for Storytime WOW!!!
What the Dickens?!?!:
The Tale of a Rascally Pup
This little rascal hasn’t learned his manners yet, but now Grandma is coming for a visit. Prim and proper, Grandma likes order and polite behavior. So, what will happen when she meets the newest addition to the family? Our puppy’s young master is very worried, and with good reason. As the escapades unfold, eventually reaching an inevitable crescendo, the playful pup learns to become a helpful member of the family and Grandma comes to recognize the outbursts of energy, excitement, and miniature disasters as a simple expression of pure love.
Story told in verse with 31 full color illustrations to make you smile.
Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle and Nook Versions available!
Read the Reviews!
"I love this book! ...This sweet story combines subtle life lessons with minor mishaps that kids will love. What the Dickens?!?! is certain to become a staple of beloved bedtime stories and I can't wait to read it with my young nieces and nephews!"
- Marie L.